My Milkshake Brings All the Boy to My Yard

My Milkshake Brings All the Boy to My Yard

I am honoured to have my breastfeeding story featured on My Petit Canard, equally part of their #breastfeedingstories series – there have been some groovy stories and so far, delight do check it out!

I always knew I wanted to breastfeed my infant, but if you are to believe the many myths that seem to environment breastfeeding, I shouldn't have been able to.

Firstly, if you've read my birth story, you lot would know he was born by emergency caesarean later on a failed induction. It is commonly thought that by having a caesarean, breastfeeding is much harder – you are pumped with drugs which can make y'all and babe sleepy; your milk can take longer to come in; yous may not be able to have pare to skin contact immediately; you will be in pain from the operation and therefore positioning is difficult. Whilst all of this is true, information technology doesn't make breastfeeding impossible.

Secondly, I had a Big babe. Alfie was eleven days overdue and built-in 10lb 3 oz. A lot of people say it is harder to breastfeed a large babe considering you can't produce enough milk for them. I am pleased to say this is non true.

Our first photos
Our commencement photos

I know I take been extremely lucky with my breastfeeding journey. I know a lot of mums struggle to establish breastfeeding or to continue past a certain signal, so I am extremely grateful that our feeding journey has been so amazing.

Our breastfeeding journey began nigh an 60 minutes after Alfie was built-in, in the recovery room afterwards my emergency caesarean. I couldn't move yet, so the recovery nurse lay him next to me and he latched on direct away. Being completely exhausted at the fourth dimension, I failed to realise how amazing that was! He fed for about 30 minutes, there was no pain, although it was an odd sensation, simply he had a perfect latch and every bit first feeding sessions get, it was pretty corking!

Alfie's first ever breastfeed!
Alfie's start always breastfeed!

Unfortunately afterwards that initial perfect kickoff feed, nosotros did struggle a scrap over the next 24 hours. We had issues with him latching on and sadly, the back up in the hospital wasn't vivid and I had formula suggested to me on a number of occasions.  When I look back now, this was not the way to care for an unexperienced new mother who desperately wanted to breastfeed. I wasn't offered any support to try and breastfeed, merely told to give the infant formula, even though I made information technology clear I was determined to breastfeed.

Once nosotros were home though, things improved greatly!  My milk arrived on twenty-four hour period 3, and I was so pleased to experience my heavy, engorged breasts – it meant I was producing milk! Nonetheless, I then went through a rough week at week ii. I woke up one night at 3am, crying in pain. Bearing in mind I was still recovering from a major operation, I'd honestly never felt pain like it. I had a blocked duct. Cue a warm bath at 4am in the forenoon, hand expressing, expressing with a pump, massaging of the breast to try and get the milk flowing, latching infant on to feed, and a LOT of tears, I eventually got through it. It wasn't a pleasant feel, but I'chiliad pleased to say it was just a temporary one. I was over it by the side by side afternoon and merely experienced information technology twice more (which I later discovered was due to ill plumbing equipment bras – brand sure you are properly measured for your nursing bras ladies!!).

Once we got over our initial hurdles, we took to breastfeeding like a duck to water! My family unit and friends were incredibly supportive. My friends asked lots of questions just speedily got used to the fact when they'd visit, I'd definitely have my boobs out at some point! Alfie fed roughly every 2 hours, which is totally normal for a newborn, and we experienced cluster feeding in the evening, where he'd often feed from around 8pm to 1pm not-terminate – again, completely normal, but very tough! It doesn't final forever, simply information technology's an import part of the breastfeeding process to increase your supply and for your babe to let your trunk know how much milk to produce.

Don't look at me while I'm feeding!
Don't look at me while I'm feeding!

The next hurdle to face was feeding in public. Initially, I was terrified at the thought of it, but I recollect this is completely understandable. When I was meaning, in that location were a lot of stories in the media about women who had been shamed and singled out for breastfeeding – either being asked to cover up or even leave a identify because they were breastfeeding. I find these stories difficult to read, considering it is actually quite rare to experience this. I fed in public for the outset fourth dimension a calendar week subsequently Alfie was born and despite being nervous, no-one batted an eyelid equally I fed Alfie while I ate my ain luncheon. No one looked at me, and I didn't feel like I had to movement or go and sit in the toilet and feed. It was a smashing experience. Since then, I've fed anywhere and everywhere Alfie's needed it – I was a bridesmaid when he was just 3 weeks old, so I fed at the wedding, I fed at his christening in church, I've fed whilst continuing upwards talking to the vicar, I've fed on the train, I've fed whilst sitting in a shopping heart, I've fed in baby group, I've fed at parties! If Alfie needs feeding, the boobs come up out! It has got easier every bit time has gone on, and I'm pleased to say I've never in one case been made to feel uncomfortable or been asked to feed elsewhere.

I can breastfeed anywhere, anytime - church, party or wedding!
I can breastfeed anywhere, whatsoever fourth dimension – church, party or nuptials!

A lot of people can feel like the dad will exist left out when the mum exclusively breastfeeds and this is what puts them off. I find this quite sorry, as at that place are so many things dad tin can exercise with infant to experience that bail. My husband does bathroom time with Alfie every dark – that is their playtime, their bonding time and they both love it! I likewise encourage my husband to do equally many nappy changes equally possible and I feel this is an fantabulous time for them to bond – and it'due south got zippo to do with the fact I hate nappy changes, honest!

Bath time with Daddy is a perfect time to bond
Bath time with Daddy is a perfect time to bond

I also occasionally express milk.  Initially I started pumping because I had a wedding to nourish when Alfie was six weeks and I would be leaving him with my mum for a few hours. Merely it also gives my hubby a adventure to experience the feeding side of things and gives me a fleck of a break. I accept a fantastic Medela Swing pump, which helps me to limited chop-chop whenever I want to. I haven't left Alfie often, but this gives me freedom to if I need to.

My best friend when it comes to pumping
My best friend when it comes to pumping

When people used to ask me how long I was going to breastfeed for, I would always reply the same "I don't know, I'grand just going to run across how it goes". In my caput, I idea 6 months and couldn't run across me going by that. Whatsoever amount of fourth dimension yous manage to breastfeed for is an achievement, whether it be four weeks or 4 years, and so I wasn't going to put pressure on myself if information technology wasn't working for usa, as long as I knew I had tried my all-time and done all I could for my baby. Now, we're seven months in and I tin can't imagine stopping. I'm lucky that I'k having a year off work for maternity leave, and my program is to go on until Alfie is at least a yr old. Before I had him, I never imagined I'd feed for that long. At present, I'm looking into the logistics of continuing to feed when I return to work.

I wanted to share my story today to bear witness that you can have a positive breastfeeding journey. Whilst it is adept to do your research, and know the facts of breastfeeding, this can mean you come up across a lot of horror stories! Only that doesn't have to exist your story. Enough of women have a wonderful fourth dimension breastfeeding. I believe as long equally you have a realistic approach, and are enlightened of what's normal and what'south not, many women can go on to have a successful breastfeeding story – the key is support. Detect out if yous have a local support grouping, or if there are local peer support counsellors who can come and visit yous if yous need it. Go and visit your local breastfeeding group if you take 1. Join Facebook or other online forums to talk to others who are going through the same experiences as you. In my expanse we are extremely lucky to take a fantastic volunteer run support group. I've been lucky that I oasis't needed them often, only information technology's been a bang-up back up knowing they're at that place if I do.

Then, we're 7 months in, and I'one thousand then proud of myself for getting here. Whilst I've put in a lot of effort to ensure I do the best I tin can for my baby, I wouldn't take got hither without the support of my family or friends, and most importantly, my husband. Here's to many more than months of breastfeeding my beautiful baby boy.

Our gorgeous baby
Our gorgeous infant

My Petit Canard


My Milkshake Brings All the Boy to My Yard

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